Hot and Cold States are places a person can find themselves in while either being very anxious in the hot state or by being content in the cold state. In life everyone at least once expeirences both a hot state when you think before you act and a cold state where as you can be very thoughtful.
I have to admit I find myself in more hot states then cold. My mother always taught me to say whats on my mind and at times it can be bad for me because i may find someone i care for upset with me or insulted about what i said to them.Although i try to be in a cold state as much as i can. I like shopping and even more I like shopping for others. I love there expressions when they see what I bought them ,I mean who doesn’t love getting presents!
Hot states can be very dangerous for people. Anxious poeple tend to be in hot states often or even all the time rather.As I said I can be a hot head ,when i loose sometimes i get angry and yell for something that simply isnt worth it but at the moment i explode and can’t seem to control what i say because of the anxiety inside of me.
Where as cold states i find my self more peaceful and in a happy place. I think twice about what i say and if I’m saying it in the right way and tone.I feel as if i get along with others better when I’m in a cold state. I have a friend that always seems to be in a cold state and she says that she just likes to be a content person it seems to please her in a way better fashion then being in a hot state. I cant argue with that , can you?
Raiana Romero
I have to admit I find myself in more hot states then cold. My mother always taught me to say whats on my mind and at times it can be bad for me because i may find someone i care for upset with me or insulted about what i said to them.Although i try to be in a cold state as much as i can. I like shopping and even more I like shopping for others. I love there expressions when they see what I bought them ,I mean who doesn’t love getting presents!
Hot states can be very dangerous for people. Anxious poeple tend to be in hot states often or even all the time rather.As I said I can be a hot head ,when i loose sometimes i get angry and yell for something that simply isnt worth it but at the moment i explode and can’t seem to control what i say because of the anxiety inside of me.
Where as cold states i find my self more peaceful and in a happy place. I think twice about what i say and if I’m saying it in the right way and tone.I feel as if i get along with others better when I’m in a cold state. I have a friend that always seems to be in a cold state and she says that she just likes to be a content person it seems to please her in a way better fashion then being in a hot state. I cant argue with that , can you?
Raiana Romero